There are five membership categories in AAGS, please select the category to which you belong.
Active membership is for those at institutions with surgical training program, who are involved or interested in creating an Academic Global Surgery program. Those who are board certified or equivalent by the credentialing or standards, body in their country of practice.
Also for any professional who actively participates in or supports Academic Global Surgery work, but does not fit into the other AAGS membership categories of Emeritus, Associate, or Student. For example, nurses, physician extenders, program managers, coordinators, administrators, or those involved in allied professions, social sciences, pharmacists, engineers, public health specialists etc.
Active Membership
Emeritus Membership is for those who are retired from practice or over the age of 65 who has been a dues paying member for 3 years and/or may request this status from the membership committee.
Emeritus Membership
Associate Membership is for surgical residents, trainees, clinical officers, house officers, fellows, or registrars interested in pursuing Academic Global Surgery.
Associate Membership
For students, from medicine to global health who are interested in pursuing Academic Global Surgery.