AAGS Committees
Open Positions!!!
Committee Description
Accreditation & Program Administrators Committee
It shall be the duty of the Accreditation & Program Administrators Committee to develop accreditation standards, regulations, and guidelines to strengthen Academic Global Surgery Programs. Additionally, those persons involved in the administration and operational aspect of Academic Global Surgery Programs will have the opportunity to share mutual challenges, develop common practices, and voice programmatic needs from the operational perspective.
Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee will be composed of individuals tasked with updating the membership regarding the activities of global surgery advocacy groups. Additionally, they will serve as a resource for members who seek to engage in advocacy work.
Congress Committee
The Congress Committee will be responsible for the organization of the Academic Global Surgery Congress, biannual meeting and its educational content. They will coordinate with other committees to populate and execute the meeting agenda. The Committee will be responsible for coordinating with the Information and Technology Committee to disseminate meeting content to the general membership.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee
The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee will be responsible for ensuring equal and transparent representation of all shareholders in global surgery. The committee will work to identify measures to increase diversity of our membership and our efforts, as well as foster measures of inclusion.
Education Committee
The Education Committee shall be the group facilitating, overseeing and promoting educational activities and programs. This will include but is not limited to consideration of curriculum development, knowledge sharing, and logistics of learner involvement in successful academic partnerships. It may be necessary over time to develop subcommittees in order to properly delegate and focus academic work within this broad committee.
Ethics Committee
It shall be the duty of the Ethics Committee to examine issues related to equity, protection of human rights and welfare, both in academic related pursuits, as well as clinical practice, and disseminate it to the membership. Additionally, it is expected that the ethics committee will function as an internal consulting body as members and other committees consider ethical questions around academic projects and clinical work, as well as an externally facing body that will establish such documents as a code of conduct for both research and clinical practice.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee in collaboration with the Treasurer will review and make recommendations to the Leadership Council regarding the organization’s financial policies and procedures. The Committee will review the annual budget and financial reports. The Committee will also be responsible for identifying funding opportunities for global surgery partnership activities and will update the Membership accordingly.
Governance Committee The Governance Committee will be composed of Individuals tasked with building the administrative structure and guiding principles of the Association, including but not limited to
drafting of a constitution. Subsequently, the committee will review the bylaws every other year and solicit proposed changes if any arise. They will also evaluate any governance related questions that arise during the organization’s practice.
Membership Committee
It shall be the duty of the Membership Committee to evaluate, establish eligibility, and accept all qualified applicants for membership and keep the Recorder informed of new members. Additionally, this committee will be responsible for recruiting and retaining members and establishing appropriate dues structure for all members. Additionally, this committee shall ensure equitable representation among its committees and functions.
Public Relations Committee
The Public Relations Committee is responsible for the design, maintenance and vision of the Association website, global opportunity map, and the social media accounts. It will also be responsible for looking at emerging technologies that may enhance and improve the mission of the Association.
Research and Quality Committee
The Research Committee will be composed of individuals tasked with defining the initial knowledge creation methodology, discovery projects, and mutually beneficial standards around research and research collaborations of the Association.